Monday, January 27, 2014

No Man's Land: Meeting Two Acting Legends

One of the many things on my NYC bucket list this semester is to see a few Broadway shows, and last Saturday, I went to the Cort Theatre to see No Man's Land, one of the "Two Plays in Rep" starring Ian McKellen, Patrick Stewart, Billy Crudup, and Shuler Hensley-- and it was quite the experience.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

My First Week as an Intern

My last post was published the night before my first day in The Paley Center's curatorial department, and I'm happy to say that it's going really well so far; I love my internship! It combines my passion for history and media, and I would be more than willing to have a career in this field, or at least a similar one.

A question I get a lot from people is, "What exactly is The Paley Center?" Their website sums it up best:  

Monday, January 13, 2014

Hello, New York!


"I look out the window and I see the lights and the skyline and the people on the street rushing around looking for action, love, and the world's greatest chocolate chip cookie, and my heart does a little dance.” -Nora Ephron on New York City, in Heartburn

I can't believe I'm here.

I've been to New York City twice before for short visits and absolutely loved it, but if you told me one, two, or even five years ago that I would at this moment be in the city getting ready to start an internship at The Paley Center for Media, I'd say you were crazy. But now I'm here, and thus the adventure begins.